Tuesday, October 27, 2009

The Trip!

Hello everyone its been a while since ive posted here. We went to Montauk back in September and it was a great trip. All in all my father, girlfriend and myself limited out almost everyday. This was my girlfriends second time ever fishing, which her first was on a boat in a private lake trying to catch some trout there. Which we did catch trout but for two days and only catching 3 trout between us total isnt too fun. Especially for your first time fishing, but this trip was very fun. We got down there on a sunday and since it was around 4pm decided not to fish but we walked around and i showed her the Park. She is very used to the parks up here in the Northwest the tall everygreens and pines everywhere, she was very excited to see different scenery in the midwest. The Water was is pristine condidtion too very clear and you could easily see fish from almost anywhere in the water. Then i took her down to the Hatchery and she loved seeing all the little fish and was amazed by all the three plus pound fish in the Hatchery.

After that we spent the night with my parents it was so quiet and peaceful something i haven't heard since i moved out here to Washington. Then Monday came and we were all so excited, put our waders on and headed down to the bridge that enters the park. Stopped there but we missed the whistle by about a minute. I think we ended up catching one fish there before moving down closer to the handicaped accessible area. We fished the whole way along there all the way down pulling out fish from almost every suspect log and over growth in the water. by the end of the day i had limited out and so had my girlfriend. But my poor dad had only caught a couple fish that day. He kept losing fish left and right for some reason get them right to the net and they would break off. The trip was amazing though, by the end we had limited out almost every day and couldnt have asked for better weather. And to top it all of for my girlfriends first trip and really second time going fishing she did awesome, she also caught the biggest fish. As seen in the picture above! :D