I seen this picture and it reminded me alot of a trip to montauk in the winter at Montauk. The day was beutiful but very frigid. I went with a friend and his parents to Montauk in the winter of 97 or maybe 98 its been so long i cant remember. That day was great was the first day we had been there in the offseason. We got up early and headed out of the camper and realised it was 10 degrees. But we wouldnt be conquered by the tempenture, we were going fishing! We got all geared up and set out, No wind just a very nice day at the park. As we walked through we had never seen the park so barren. No one was there i dont even think the park rangers came through the park once that day. So we were off, we started fishing just north of the Handicaped Hole and then worked our way towards the bridge. The Fishing was amazing, plus with no competition it just made it even better. My friend and I prolly pulled 20+ fish a piece in about three to four hours. All catch and release of course, as we walked back to the camper we came across this old timer who was just getting back from Montauk Springs. We talked to him for about twenty or thirty minutes and he got us set on going up to the springs in hunt for a Lunker. So we headed back to the camper and warmed up and got some breakfast. As we talked we asked my friends dad to drive us up to the Springs. I think this is where we went wrong, his mom and dad were going to drive to Salem and head to Wal-Mart and catch something to eat from Steven's Steak house. and wouldnt be able to get us unti'll they got back. We as being dumb kids said 'Thats great! we'll have plenty of time to fish!" Might have been the dumbest thing ive ever done at Montauk. After fighting the 3 hours of freezing water on our eyelets we should have known better than to go up to the springs in November. They left and we were in the back waders on ready to Fish. We stopped at the first parking lot there at the springs and started to work our way upstream. The fishing was actually very good within fifteen minutes we had both caught two fish and one of the ones my friend caught was well over two pounds. We walked for about a mile or so, I looked up and seen it was starting to get a little dark. i looked at my watch and it was four o'clock. We figured we should head back to the parking lot. We started walking downstream and there we seen it, a huge shadow moving across the water. The Fish had to be atleast four or five pounds, so we both casted right upstream from it and then it happened. As we were walking downstream we had gotten out reels in the water, and with it being ten degrees or so it had frozen out reels up enough that we couldnt reel at all no matter what we did. We were both so angry we started yelling. We finally stopped trying and got up on the road and started walking thinking any minute his dad would drive by and pick us up. An hour later and two very cold fishermen later we made it back to camp and started a fire. His parents showed up twenty minutes later and they hadnt even been up to the springs yet to look for us. I've learned alot from my escapades at Montauk, Some alot more fun than others but they were always Good Times.